Westchester Certificate:
Essential Skills in the Laboratory
Tuesday, August 15 & Wednesday, August 16, 2023
IN PERSON: SUNY Westchester Community College, 75 Grasslands Road, Valhalla, NY 10595
Watch for registration information. Click Here to register for updates.
Registration is complete.
To join our waiting list, please email: research@westchesterbiotechproject.org
Who is this Certificate for?
Whether you are a Young Investigator and you want a valuable laboratory experience, or, if you are looking for new opportunities and want to brush up on protocols for modern labs, you will benefit from this program.
You must be at least 16 years of age to attend this program.
Why is this Relevant to my Career?
Literacy about current best practices will allow you to both articulate and implement them more quickly than other job candidates. This is true whether you are just starting your career or thinking about a change.
Is this Program only for Scientists?
No. Every professional whose career touches biological sciences can benefit from understanding how today’s labs work.
We include providers, clinical research associates, data scientists, marketing/business development professionals, providers, etc.
Who Created the Curriculum?
The curriculum has been created by experts in both Education and Industry.
We convened specialists from Westchester Community College, Purchase College SUNY, Fordham University, New York Medical College, Mercy College, St. Vincent's Medical Center, Westchester County Association, Sapience Therapeutics, TriRadial Solutions, Centrific Technology Partners, and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals.
What Are the Requirements?
-You must be at least 16 years of age to attend this program.
-You must pass the Safety Assessment on May 17 to be able to enter the lab (don’t worry, we’ll prepare you well).
Transportation and Parking
Please park in Lot #2. There will be no ticketing on Certificate days in this lot so you will not be ticketed for not having a permit.
Click Here for a map of the Westchester Community College campus.
Light breakfast will be provided. Please plan to bring your own lunch.
Will I Receive a Digital Badge?
Who Will be Teaching?
2023 Faculty
Carla Romney, D.Sc.
Adjunct Research Assistant Professor of Medical Sciences and Education, Boston University
Donal Keith, M.S.
Adjunct Professor, SUNY Westchester Community College
Jack O’Grady, Sustainability Programme Manager,
My Green Lab
Kevin Freiert, MBA, Principal and Founder, Salem Oaks
Why is this Certificate Free?
We are offering this pilot program at no cost to you because we want you to invest both in yourself and in providing feedback on the program.
COVID-19 Guidelines
Visitors are not required to provide proof of vaccination.
Click Here to review Westchester Community College COVID Guidelines.
Still Have Questions?
Send a note to: research@westchesterbiotechproject.org