Video Archive 2021

Throughout the year we hold free online programs to
address intriguing questions for researchers, data scientists, and engineers.

Click for all 2021 events

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Microbiome Science to
Clinical Practice

Microbiome: Proximate & Evolutionary Mechanisms
Cancer Patient Microbiota:
New Opportunities for the Biomarker Industry

Event Info:

Ethical Perspectives for AI

As technology races ahead, what are the ethical perspectives that can help address inherent risks for
data scientists, researchers, and engineers?

Event Info:


AfroArts Fest 2021

We're proud to share our work on the AfroArts Fest 2021 Online! Enjoy the culture, arts, dances, and more.

Developing Life Science Internships

Whether you represent a company (large or small), non-profit, or educational institution, developing a successful and meaningful internship program requires planning, resources, and an innovative environment.

Event Info:


Roundtable: Cannabis Update

What is the state of affairs for medical marijuana and recreational use by adults?

In this session we explored the scientific/regulatory questions as well as business opportunities, challenges, and progress.