About Us

We welcome researchers, data scientists, engineers, practitioners, entrepreneurs and everyone involved with biomedical research from genomics to population health.

Through our Programs and Initiatives, we create opportunities for collaboration across borders, silos, and scientific cultures. We always have a few projects in the skunk works. To get involved and make an impact, send us a note!

Blueprint2030/SciencEconomy is our overall strategy to enhance the life science continuum to include voices from all communities.

Career Consortium provides training and networking to prepare companies and educators through cross-institutional collaborations and knowledge sharing.

-Westchester Certificate Program: Essential Skills in the Lab
-Roundtable: Tomorrow’s Life Science Workforce
-Clinical Research Cohort
-Transitions Toolkit

Lab of the Future/Data Analytics Hub brings together Scientists with Builder/Designers, Equipment companies, and Cybersecurity Providers to define tomorrow’s facilities/data requirements.

-Consortium on Translational Research in the Microbiome

-Charrettes: Defining the Laboratory for Young Companies in Expansion Mode

Register Now:
Almost everything will be online through the beginning of 2022- when it’s safe to gather we’ll begin inviting you for coffee… or something stronger!

All times are Eastern US.

Register || May 12, 2022 12:30 -
2:00 PM
Advancing Microbiome Science to Clinical Practice

Register || May 17-18, 2022
9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Westchester Certificate:
Essential Skills in the Lab

Register || June 9, 2022 12:30 -
2:00 PM
Advancing Microbiome Science to Clinical Practice

Register || June 16, 2022 10:00 - 11:30 AM EDT
Roundtable: Tomorrow's Life Science Workforce

Programming: 2022

We’re planning a vibrant year, reflecting the interests and energies of our dynamic and dedicated Advisors, Partners, and Committees.
Virtually everything will be available virtually, so you can go ahead and register now.
When it’s safe to gather in person, we’ll welcome you with open arms, or at least a genuine smile.